About Us
My name is Adele and I have been the proud owner of The Island since 1998. Of course the island has changed a little since then (er...it has changed A LOT)! and I hope when I have some spare time; to dig out some old photos of how it looked when I first "landed". It has certainly seen some fun and games over the years!
In 2003 Glen & I married there and in 2004 our daughter Georgia arrived. When it came to considering our 2nd child we decided that the boat trip with a toddler and a baby might just get a little too much every day so we set sail to dry land and later that year our son Eddie arrived. Fast forward, the kids are grown up, The Island refurbished and now run as a holiday let.
We really hope you visit and fall in love with The Island the way we did. It's a really special place and its our absolute pleasure to be able to share it with you.
Lots of love
Adele & CoCo the cavapoo!
P.S When I say "share"....I don't mean we'll be there with you!!!

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